Sunday, October 9, 2011

Technology Friend or Enemy???

I say enemy.

Technology is suppose to make life soooo much easier but how??? I mean really is having yourself redirected five time just to change one stupid email address and password and then be completely kicked off the internet without success really making life easy?!?!? NO!!! Or what about when you finally think you got it figured out, just to realize that you changed the wrong password some how and now you have lost your new email. And you have to start the whole process over but this time with out messing everything up again.

  Technology is defiantly not my friend.


Friday, October 7, 2011

Midnight Writing

Man most of the stuff I write at midnight is usually pretty bad, well except for the papers I have to write for school that I put off tell the last possible min but I usually start prepping those in my head as soon as I get them so they don’t count. but the other stuff is a lot of gibberish that comes to me at the spar of the moment. I hope I get better at it because I want to be a journalist. I would love to have my on column in magazine of a popular newspaper, and give people advice on stuff that is going on in there lives, I need to work at that to(if anyone is actually reading this you should try to ask me something and then tell me if I’m really bad at it or not). And someday I am going to write a book.Marilyn_Monroe

Thursday, October 6, 2011

My brother is going to graduate this spring and my little brother is is a freshmen in high school. There both really hard consepts to rap my head around. They make me realize that life is going really fast it seems like we where just playing capture the flag with my cousens on my seventh birthday, and the next thing I now I'm getting over welmed with collage stuff, AP classes, and the fact that my brothers are growing up to. Your probly think that last part was way stupid cause its not like they're going to stay little kids while I get older or anything. But I dont now its just hard. At this age Im supose to be chomping at the bit to be on my own and older so I can prove to everyone that I alreadly now everything that there is to now about the world, but i dont. I mean I do want my freedom and to be on my own, (theres something wrong with a person who doesnt want to try and make it on there own) but I now i dont now everything I now I probly will never now everything, and I also now that life goes to fast. And you now what that scares the crap out of me.